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It’s getting closer to the big weekend, and we’re getting really excited!
We just spent the weekend in Toledo getting the invitations out with Abbie’s folks and our good friend Sasha.
Here’s a pic of Abbie setting up a letter press to print the rsvp cards. As her last class of grad school Abbie took a letterpress class held in the Soy Bean Press studio this summer.
The entire invitation was designed by Abbie, and most of it was printed by hand on a couple letter presses! It was such a cool and creative process being immersed in a space filled with movable type, mechanical presses and ink. (I know big brother Matthew understands!)
We’ll be putting up a section in the photo gallery about it soon, so check back in the next few days to see us in action!
See photos of the process in the gallery.
I so enjoyed being there at the culmination of all your hard work on these beautiful invitations! It was such a fun, relaxing process to sit at the kitchen table with you and ensemble everything. I’m so excited and can’t wait until Sept 6th and 7th!!! Love to all!